
Christopher J Cortés is currently ranked as Nidan (2nd Dan) in Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu (Masaoka-Den) with the Kokusai Nippon Budo Kai International (KNBK).

He also holds a Fuku Shidoin (assistant instructor) licence with the KNBK.

C J Cortés is a student of Carl E Long, 22nd SoShihan of MJER (Masaoka-Den). Long Hanshi is the Chairman of the KNBK and the inheritor of Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu (Masaoka-Den, following on from Miura Sensei and Shimabukuro Sensei).

C J Cortés was awarded the KNBK Pioneer Award, in 2015, and is recognised as the founding member for the KNBK in Gibraltar.

C J Cortés is the instructor and Dojo Cho (head of the Dojo) at Iaido Gibraltar.

Mr Cortés is also the Secretary of the Gibraltar Kendo and Kenjutsu Association (GKKA).

Iaido Gibraltar – KNBK Kenkyukai